Feeding the good wolf
We’re two weeks into 2022.
How’s it going? Are you feeling optimistic? Hopeful? Excited? Something else? Any New Year’s resolutions?
It's pretty hard to act on any resolutions when we don’t know what the world is throwing at us and so much is unpredictable. Even before the pandemic, articles I've read indicate that 2 weeks is the average life of a New Year’s resolution.
That’d be right about now. Perfect timing.
An old woman is teaching her granddaughter
about life. "A fight is going on inside me,"
she said to the girl. "Its a terrible fight between
two wolves. One is evil; she is anger, sorrow, greed,
guilt, arrogance, resentment, lies and ego." The old
woman continued, "the other is good; she is joy,
peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, generosity,
truth, compassion and faith. The same fight is going
on inside you too." The granddaughter thought for
a moment and then asked, "which wolf will win?"
The old woman replied, "the one you feed."
feed the good wolf
What if you could create a new framework to reimagine 2022 for yourself? It's not too late. It never is.
I believe -
…in setting intentions.
…that what you focus on grows.
…and how you choose to BE informs what you do, how you feel, what you see, and how you move through the world.
I believe in feeding the good wolf.
This doesn't mean bypassing the hard stuff and pretending that everything's great when it's not. It means being intentional about who you are and how you show up.
So, how would you like 2022 to go for you? How good could it get? Who do you want to BE in the midst of whatever?
your invitation to reimagine
For the balance of January, I'm offering one hour of 1-on-1 coaching with me for the special price of $111 for the sole purpose of assisting and holding space for your reimagining.
I'll help you create a vision with heart for 2022 that feels good; one that feels like a compass you can always come back to.
Are you in? Here's what to do:
1. Email to reserve your spot.
2. You'll get a confirmation email from me with some juicy journal prompts, a booking link, and instructions on how to pay.
Your good wolf is waiting for you.
Other News:
Croneology: the science and study of wise women
Croneology is a six-week, online, round table for women over 50 where we take a deep dive into all those out of bounds, “age appropriate," and cringeworthy topics from the practical to the mystical that we’re not supposed to discuss in polite company. A collaboration with friend, writer, mentor and spiritual pirate, Janet Bertolus - we want to tap into the collective wisdom of the crone in each of us.
The next council of crones begins Saturday, February 5
10am Pacific / 12pm Central
Registration is $444 and open now.
Head to www.croneology.net to learn more and sign up.
Geraldine is the Piglet to my Pooh - she has a firecracker nature and a contemplative soul; she’s a stoke fairy and a gentle space holder. ”
Book a free 30-minute discovery call with me here if you're curious to know if coaching is for you. I can’t wait to meet you.
I’d love to hear from you. Did something in this post resonate with you? Tell me how. Is there a subject you’d like me to riff on? Respond to this email geraldine@gdbcoaching.ca and let me know.