If you’re here, you’re either standing squarely in the middle of, or circling somewhere near, the Third Act of your life.

The Third Act: a term used to describe life after mid-life; the autumn of life, retirement, becoming an elder. 

I call this program the Third Act because I’m inspired by the triple goddess – Maiden, Mother, Crone - the three goddesses from Greek mythology, Persephone, Demeter, and Hekate. Since ancient times, storytellers have employed the three-act story-arch to move a narrative forward with the third act tying the entire story together in the most gratifying way possible. In our personal narratives you may hear the third act described as the autumn of our lives - but it is definitely not the winter.

Whatever your frame of reference, Autumn Queen, or Crone, it is not the final act or the last act—this is the time we reap the harvest of our decades of experiences, knowing we have so much more life left to live.

The idea for this program emerged from the curiosity I felt – that I continue to feel - about the next phase of my own life and questioning how I want to show up in the world. 

  • Who am I? 

  • What needs to be created, resurrected, forgiven, released, embraced, and expanded on? 

  • What does it mean to be a good elder or a juicy crone? 

As the saying goes, we teach what we need to learn. I’m on this journey of discovery with you.

The portals of change often use menopause, empty nest, retirement, elderly parents, and all manner of things related to aging as the introduction to our Third Act. Instead of being celebrated as the “doorways of change” they can become— they are largely disregarded. 

There’s a soulfulness, a depth, and a richness (even a wildness) that craves to come forward for women after we’ve stopped bleeding into the world every 28 days. A curiosity if not a hunger to explore the questions who am I NOW?  Who will I become? What do I want? 

And what am I willing to do to become the woman I want to be?  


Welcome to your Third Act. 

What to expect:

  • Your own personal three-month program

  • Six confidential 1-on-1 coaching sessions with me, every 2 weeks on Zoom or by phone.

  • The Third Act Discovery Journal with nine sections, each loaded with juicy questions, prompts, a few activity suggestions, and reflections.

  • Additional resources and suggestions on podcasts, videos, books, articles, and people. 

What you’ll need:

  • A promise to yourself to be curious and open-minded.

  • Time each week devoted to thoughtful process and journaling.

  • Your own journal or notebook – the Discovery Journal is not a fillable form, yet.

  • A commitment to bring your whole self to each coaching session.

Inside the Third Act you will:

  • Take an inventory of where you are now in your life.

  • Explore, name and realign with your values and what’s most important.

  • Dive deep into the question “What do I want?”

  • Reimagine time and energy, and time vs energy.

  • Unpack, reassess and lighten the load you carry.

  • Reconnect with and trust your intuition.

  • Pay closer attention to your changing body.

  • Create an empowering vision of eldership and community.

  • Redefine what retirement means to you.

This program is for you if:

  • You’re ready to put yourself first.

  • You’re a woman or feminine presenting, about 50 and older.

  • You’re nearing retirement (or you’re fully retired), and wondering “Who am I when my career doesn’t define me?”

  • You can’t put your finger on it, but you know there has to be more.

  • Menopause has changed the way you think, feel and experience life and you hardly recognize yourself.

  • Your parenting role has changed, and it’s left a vacuum.

  • You’re considering a late career change or following that dream that got left behind.

  • You’re ready to reclaim what got lost in the shuffle of life, family and career

  • You want to (re)connect to your imagination, creativity, and values.

  • You’re seeking a new vision and purpose for this next stage of life whether you’re in your 50s, 60s or 70s.

Your investment:

$1500 + GST. Payment plans can be made available. 


 I’m in! What do I do next? 

Send me an email and we’ll get started. Then pop the bubbly!