A Croneology Hot Flash
This one is for all the crones and our perimenopausal sisters!
As some of you know, I love a good collaboration and I've got a few irons in the fire. Over at Croneology, my fellow crone Janet Bertolus and I are having a HOT FLASH...and it's the kind you don’t want to miss!
What's a Croneology Hot Flash?
Hot Flash is a stand-alone, 90-minute Q & A, mini-summit for women of all ages where we’ll zero in on a hot topic related to our well-being, reproductive health, navigating middle age, perimenopause, menopause, sex and body changes, hormones—you name it! The cherry on the top is that we will have a guest expert joining us, poised to share her wisdom and answer your questions.
We're talking hormones
We're over the moon to welcome Dr. Christine Farrell to talk with us about something all women have in common; our hormones.
A renowned hormone and wellness expert based in Los Angeles and Croneology roundtable favourite, Christine has a talent for making the complicated understandable and relatable. Her fingers are on the pulse of the latest global data, recent hormone advances, years of experience and sage wisdom, and she offers it all with empathy and compassion. Christine is a fierce advocate for women’s health and the education of women (and their doctors) about everything hormone-related.
There are over 400 estrogen receptors in a woman's body.
Perimenopause can begin as early as 35.
Most women will spend 30% of their life in menopause.
1 in 10 women will quit their job because of menopause.
There are about 75 menopause and perimenopause symptoms.
all the details
Thursday, March 24
5pm PT / 7pm CT, on Zoom
(Zoom link will be provided closer to the date)
Who can attend?
Women. Of any age.
How much?
$55 per flash
How is Hot Flash different from the Croneology roundtable?
In Croneology, our intention is to build connection and community for women 50+, over the course of six weeks. If you’ve sat with us, you’ve experienced that time builds trust, privacy is paramount, and a sisterhood develops. These smaller, more intimate group conversations can be quite tender, personal, and vulnerable.
The Croneology Hot Flash calls are open to women of all ages, the format is geared towards information sharing and Q & A, the group will be larger, and mics will be muted unless you’re asking a question live. It's important to note these calls will be recorded exclusively for future croneologists.
Will I have to (gulp) share?
Nope. We’d love to see your face, of course, but cameras on is not required, and mics will be muted. We want you to ask questions and share if you want to, or simply be there to listen and take notes. You can email your questions in advance or type them in the chat during the call.
GREAT! How do I sign up?!
Email me with “hell yes!” and I’ll send you the payment options.
Head over to www.croneology.net to learn more
and give us a follow @croneology444 on Instagram
Other News:
New 1-on-1 guided coaching program coming soon!
As I approach my 60's (I'm 58), I'm curious about the next phase of my life and I've been thinking about how I want to show up in the world. What do I want to create, resurrect, forgive, release, embrace, expand and so on. What does retirement mean to me and is it even interesting? What does good eldership look like or what's involved in being a juicy crone?
There’s a soulfulness, a depth, even a wildness that craves to come forward for women as we age. A curiosity, if not a downright hunger to explore the questions we have at this time of our lives. Who am I - now? Who will I be? What do I want? And what will I do to be the woman I want to be?
I'm creating a 1-on-1 guided coaching program for women 50'ish and older to explore this chapter of their lives, as they move through many transitions, often unacknowledged and uncelebrated, to find meaning, purpose and sovereignty.
I can't wait to tell you more about this in the near future.
“As a coach, Geraldine is spontaneous and fluid. She was able to see through my words in order to label and move me through sticking points or internalized beliefs that were no longer serving me. She listened with intent and was able to normalize and validate my feelings to make me feel comfortable and supported through each of our sessions.”
Journal Prompts
What does the word crone feel like to you?
How do you feel about the aging process?
How is, or was, good eldership modeled for you?
Book a free 30-minute discovery call with me here if you're curious to know if coaching is for you. I can’t wait to meet you.
I’d love to hear from you. Did something in this post resonate with you? Tell me how.
Is there a subject you’d like me to riff on? Respond to this email geraldine@gdbcoaching.ca and let me know.