Earlier this year I was thrilled to launch a new program with my friend, mentor, and self-proclaimed spiritual pirate, Janet Bertolus, called Croneology
Together, we decided to fly in the face of all the negative connotations that the word Crone inspires, and embrace it.
Because, as it turns out, Crone is ancient, derived from the word crown. A crone is a Queen. She is the heroine of her own story, self-possessed, wise, strong and sure. At Croneology, we believe the word translates into decades of accumulated power and wisdom making now the best season of our lives.
The timing is perfect - hello Hallowe'en and Samhain - to provide women 50+ with a little respite from the everyday.
Time to gather and find our way back into our holiness. Please, come take your seat at our table - the next intake begins on November 11th.
Suffice it to say, at Croneology we're putting the crown back in Crone.
“God I love the word Crone!”
What the heck is Croneology?
Simply put, Croneology is a six-week, on-line, round table for women 50 and over where we take a deep dive into all those out of bounds, “age appropriate”, and cringe worthy topics from the practical to the mystical that we’re not supposed to discuss in polite company.
It’s a sacred space - that includes f-bombs. One thing we know for sure is that the magic happens in the unscripted spaces.
Janet and I come to the calls with topics uniquely relevant to our lives that we’re dying to dig into - like rest and supreme self care; anger, rage, grief and resentment; women and friendship; love & forgiveness; the archetypes of maiden, mother and crone; eldership; not to mention MEN-O-PAUSE.
What I especially love, is that perhaps aside from some invited guests, there is no specialist in the group - only abundant collective wisdom to be shared within a group of brilliant, wise, funny, vulnerable, fabulous women. I love each and every one of them so much.
Become a Croneologist
Meet Janet Bertolus.
The next roundtable of Croneology begins Thursday November 11th on Zoom at 5pm Pacific / 7pm Central.
It's $444 and you can register now. Here's how:
1. Respond to this email with HELL YES, I'M IN! and you'll get further information from me.
2. Register at
Not 50 yet? We're working on a lil' suh'm suh'm for you too, but we're not there yet.
Want to be on the email list to hear about future intakes? Send me an email.
And please - SHARE, SHARE, SHARE this with your 50+ women friends, colleagues, and relatives. MUAH!
“Picture a round table of women desiring to ripen into their full expression to the point of falling from the vine and becoming seeds for the next generation ... such is energy during Croneology. I have a voice, I have something to say. We made a symphony of sorts. Perhaps as I age and grey I am more aware of the value of the virtue of humility.”
Journal Prompts
What does the word crone feel like to you?
How do you feel about the aging process?
How is, or was, good eldership modeled for you?
Book a free 30-minute discovery call with me here if you're curious to know if coaching is for you. I can’t wait to meet you.